Cumulative Vote Share (CVS) analysis of the June 7, 2022 Primary elections in South Dakota are publicly available here. The files are Microsoft Excel files that anyone can download for their own use.
Results by County
The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with the results of the Cumulative Vote Share Analysis can be downloaded with the link DOWNLOAD
To view a chart of the CVS Analysis, click JPG for a .jpg file or PNG for a .png image file. You can save the image to your computer from the web browser.
Results by Precinct
The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with the results of the Cumulative Vote Share Analysis of the votes by precinct can be downloaded with this link: DOWNLOAD. There are 66 sheets in the spreadsheet – one for each county.
A Gallery of charts of the CVS Analysis by Precinct for each county in the state are available here. After you click on any of the images, you can scroll through all 66 counties using the < and > links at the sides.
Source Files
Files are from the SOUTH DAKOTA SECRETARY OF STATE site, and can be found starting from PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2022 and clicking the Statewide Races link.
There is the light gray Export button at the top of each race. If you click that (or touch it on a mobile phone screen) it will show a drop-down list for “Precinct Level” and “County Level”.
The “County Level” link will download a file named “SWR Results County.xlsx” which is an Excel spreadsheet.
The “Precinct Level” link downloads a file named “SWR Results Precinct.xlsx” which is an Excel spreadsheet with 66 sheets – one for each county in the state.